how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Getting Mail When Traveling

travel camping questions and answers help forum

QUESTION: Hi there, my name is Sequoia. I am a Deaf woman who lives in Section 8 --- since my future is quite unpredictable, I could be homeless anytime. Thus I am trying to prepare a plan for myself and perhaps get an RV-van. I was wondering since I live on SSI/SSDI pension - they require I have a residential address. If I become homeless, how would I explain to them and still keep my RV-van and pension? You and your wife are amazingly awesome and inspirational.
Thanks for showing it is possible!

MY ANSWER: The Vanabode book explains in detail how to handle your mailing, mail forwarding, and home address. It is not complicated, or expensive, and you can have a real mailing address instead of a PO box. Just follow the instructions in the book for getting mail when traveling.

This is a question from a list of camping questions those on my email list have asked my help with.
Please email me anytime if you need help with anything related to Vanabode, camping, travel, road trips, equipment, or living off the grid in the United States.

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