how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Healthcare for the Self Employed

travel camping questions and answers help forum

QUESTION: One thing that was not addressed in your book was health care. This is another reason why I hesitate starting my retirement even earlier. Perhaps you could write another chapter on what you do about healthcare.

For example, I had a hernia operation earlier this year, also I have had my appendix removed. I am in very good physical shape as I am a runner. However, sometimes these things happen. Fortunately, I have excellent health care insurance so I was covered from a major expense. How do you handle these things while Vanaboding?

MY ANSWER: In this country YOU have to choose how YOU want to handle healthcare. That decision has nothing to do with whether you Vanabode or not. I pay when I need a doctor. Some simply go to the emergency rooms of public hospitals. Some buy private healthcare. Many self employed folks buy into private healthcare specifically designed for small businesses. Besides supposedly the US government will be answering your question real soon.

IF staying at your job is WORTH the comforts and payouts of the healthcare benefits alone then by all means stay employed and Vanabode or rv travel during your summers off. Otherwise there are many ways to care for yourself without looking to your employer to do it.

This is a question from a list of camping questions those on my email list have asked my help with.
Please email me anytime if you need help with anything related to Vanabode, camping, travel, road trips, equipment, or living off the grid in the United States.

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