how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Living in a Car

travel camping questions and answers help forum

QUESTION: My 3 questions are: Is it safe to live out of your car - not a van; what does the law say? Does $600 include gas for my travel? I'm on a fixed Social Securiy income; where would I have my SS check mailed each month? I would have to have access monthly to this means of income.

MY ANSWER: yes you can safely live and travel using a car if you choose too however it is never going to be as comfortable. If you plan on using a car the strategies outlined in the book are even MORE important to you since you will need more help in certain areas. Yes $600 per month covers food, gas and lodging.

As for the law and whether it is legal; laws differ from place to place but the book shows you how to get access to thousands of places where it is legal to live and sleep in a car and most times do it for free without so much as a moment of hassle. I have a chapter on getting your mail in the book which covers this tricky issue in great detail. My mail strategies make it so you can have either a po box OR a regular street address and still get your mail forwarded to you WHEREVER you are in the United States!

This is a question from a list of camping questions those on my email list have asked my help with.
Please email me anytime if you need help with anything related to Vanabode, camping, travel, road trips, equipment, or living off the grid in the United States.

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